Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Blog Link

Hey thanks for stopping by I have moved my blog to my new layout, Please update your bookmarks to the new address which is

Thanks again for all your support!

Joel Smith

Caledonia Light Show

The work of Mike Montgomery and Adam Harrison, with the help of their “many elves,” this is an impressive display sponsored by local businesses and community-minded individuals.
Show begins every evening at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 11:00 p.m.(Friday and Saturday 11:30 p.m.) Go to the historical Caledonia bridge on Hwy. #6. The 1800s mill can be viewed on the southwest bank of the Grand River. There is convenient parking. Turn out your lights.
Truly a tribute to the spirit of a town abandoned in many ways in recent years by all levels of government and law enforcement. Congratulations, Caledonia. Here are some of the photos from tonight.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Trying ou tthe New lens

So my wife got me a gift card this Christmas to one of my favorite stores, so today I went ans spent some time there and decided what I was going to spend it on. One of the things was a new 50 mm f1.8 lens.
WOW is all I have to say

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

The picture speaks everything about Christmas!

Joel Smith

Christmas Eve Rochefort-Smith Reid House

Well with such a big family we hold two dinners Christmas Eve and boxing day. Last night was great fun and we all got some great stuff too. My wife is a amazing person and a great chef, although no pictures of the turkey it was picture perfect, the kind you see in all the "perfect" family dinners in movies and sugar pie to finish it off. Not to mention the tone of cookies that have been rolling out our house for the past week and all the other stuff that goes along with Christmas dinner.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Christmas with your family, and are able to put aside any issues in order to share the day with the ones you love.

Joel Smith

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Niagara Wedding Magazine Shoot

or the Spring/ Summer addition of the Wedding Niagara Magazine, I had the chance to shoot some pretty nice shoes from local vendors from The Boot Shop, Marilee's Bridal and The Shoe Company. Working with Lori  from the magazine was great and I look forward to more of my working showing up in their magazines.

Be sure to pick up a copy of this addition, it is full of great ideas from local vendors.

Joel Smith

I have been photographing portraits for the past 15 years. I love capture the moments that pass people by. Here is a portfolio of my portrait, lifestyle, wedding, baby and maternity work.

Joel Smith

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