Sports Sessions
Last night I had the chance to shoot 3 guys and their mountain bikes. Some of the gaps, tricks and things they did were amazing. It blows my mind how Ryan only has been riding 2 years can pull of a 15 step gap and land 4 steps into the next 15 set of stairs with out blinking an eye. Or when we hit the side of the Niagara escarpment how Chris and Chris throw them selves down the side of an almost 65 degree cliff without first going off in one of the spots we hit last night a 5 foot drop in, to land on the lose rock and 65 degree escarpment to run out the speed they had built up in a short amount of time.
In the next week or so we are going to hit some urban riding as well as a massive quarry in Niagara Falls check back soon.

Sports Sessions start from $75.00 contact me for more details.
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